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Maintaining a Youthful Glow After 40 – Tips for Looking Younger in Midlife

Preserving inner and outer beauty after 40 is no easy task.  The old adage ‘you are what you eat’ is a fact and is one way to fight back.  But let’s face it ‘unless you are born with good genes, strong will and determination is the only way to win the battle of looking 10 years younger than you are’.  So how do you gain the knowledge needed to cheat the aging process?

The first thing that is noticed on us is our complexion.  Our skin is what shows the initial signs of aging and is responsible for others determining how old we really are.  Fortunately, it is what we are judged by regardless of our ages – all the reasons why we should be working to maintain that face glow.

For some reason, things start to go awry once we get past the magic number of 40.  Looking younger has always been a challenging task for women.  We spend hundreds of dollars for our beauty regime – from the best moisturizers for skin over 40 to effective cellulite treatments, etc.  The aim is to keep our birthday suits looking its best and the remedies are a lot simpler than we think.  With the right diet, exercise and enough rest, one can achieve this well into midlife (40’s, 50’s even 60’s).

Yes, it is a known fact that our metabolism also changes around this time.  It is as though our bodies begin to rebel for all of the wrong doings that were done in the past (excessive drinking, smoking, etc.).  The treachery of illnesses begin to take place at this time as well.  For this reason, it is wise to rearrange your diet and become more conscious of taking better care of yourself physically as well as mentally.  Knowledge is power and understanding what needs to be done in terms of the right foods to eat will be the key.

At 40, we enter into midlife and having younger looking skin naturally becomes a task.  The battle begins and as mentioned above, our bodies begin to tell innumerable stories about us.  Whether it’s excessive weight gain or premature aging, the verdict will be in and those that are most conscious are who will win the battle — the ones that know to gear up with the right moisturizers; have regular regime at the gym with occasional sauna baths; or spa visits for private cellulite treatments. The individuals taking these extra steps will have a head start in maintaining the glow that was once present.  It is here that they prevail.

Managing our beauty is an inner task as well as outward.  For example, in addition to working the external parts, targeting healthy skin foods such as pumpkin, oranges, and carrots will assist in keeping the skin supple and gorgeous well into our 50’s and 60’s.  A good diet and regular gym visits do a lot more than manage weight; they actually assist in stabilizing our moods and fighting off sicknesses such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes.

It’s never too early to start being conscious of maintaining our beauty because it goes a long way when we begin to cross over into midlife years (40 and over).  So the next time you reach for a drink or light up that cigarette, think about your temple and how long you would like to have the optimal results of a gorgeous complexion on display.



P.S.  Being in midlife and still having a youthful look is something to be proud of.  How are you fighting back?  Here are some suggestions.  Click here to learn more.

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  1. Barbara Reply

    Beautifully Stated & On Point With Everything .
    Educated myself with more things I can do , use, & more to improve mind body and soul …

    1. Cheryl Reply

      Thanks so much for the compliment! Knowledge is power, and we will be here to continuously provide information on ways to stay looking your best.

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